The Belgian Greenhouse Gas Registry

An online application ...

A greenhouse gas registry is an online application that is used to manage greenhouse gas emissions, emission allowances and international credits and to enable trade of these allowances and credits between accounts in the registry or with accounts in another (linked) registry. It can be used with a standard web browser (such as Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer or Chrome).

... operating within an emission trading scheme ...

The European Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) is a market instrument to reduce the European (industrial) greenhouse gas emissions in a cost efficient way to achieve the EU climate commitments. Emission allowances and international credits are traded within a European limit to emit greenhouse gases (cap-and-trade). The supply and demand of emission units sets a price to greenhouse gas emissions.

The first phase of the EU-ETS (2005-2007) was a "pre-trading phase". In the second phase (2008-2012) several improvements were made to the trading scheme. In phase III (2013-2020) the rules of the scheme have been harmonised European wide and auctioning has been introduced to issue emission allowances on the market (next to free allocations). In the current phase IV (2021-2030) the rules remain harmonised.

... with individual users and accounts.

Similar to for example an internet bank, users can log onto the registry to make transfers towards other accounts in the same registry or to another (linked) registry. Since 2012, all European national registries are using the same online system. The hardware and software of this central system - the Consolidated System of European Registries (CSEUR) - are managed by the European Commission. Each European Member State remains however responsible for the administrative management of its users and accounts.

The Climate Change Department of the Federal Public Service of Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment is responsible for the Belgian greenhouse gas registry. It hosts currently around 360 accounts for fixed installations (industry and energy sector) and aircraft operators, as well as 30 trading accounts.

On this website you can find more information about the creation of a user login (EU login/URID), the opening and managing of an account, the security of the registry application, the different types of emission allowances and international credits and much more...

More general information, as well as background information on climate change, international emissions trading, climate policy,... can be found on the Belgian federal climate website (Dutch version) ⁄ (French version).


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